Clemens Behr
Clemens Behr was born in 1985 in Koblenz, Germany. He studied Graphic Design at the University
of Applied Sciences Dortmund, Germany, and then went on to study at the Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Belles Artes, in Spain, and is currently studying fine arts at UdK in Berlin.
Behr is currently based in Berlin, but travels consistently, leaving amazing installations wherever he goes. He creates sculpturally inspired installations in both public and interior environments, utilizing found recycled ephemera as well as basic building materials. His abstract installations, composed
of cardboard, wood, paint, tape and found materials, often result in subtle confusions between 2D painting and 3D objects.
The impromptu nature of his work, reflecting the palette of the environment it’s installed in, or common everyday material found in its immediate surroundings, provides the artist with inspiration. Behr’s work walks the fine line of chaos, yet brings perfect moments of clarity.
Work 1
Work 2